LIKE my business on Facebook at The Village Drum, LLC and receive postings of events as well.
EVENTS of 2024 facilitated by Julie Corey
February 3, 2024. Community Drum Circle with Kathy Lowe at New London Winter Carnival, 11am to Noon.
February 9, 2024. Community Drum Circle at the Newport Winter Carnival, 5pm to 6pm
March 23, 2024. Community Drum Circle at the old Cornish Country Store, Cornish, NH
5:30pm Hand drumming instruction/6:00pm Community Drum Circle
April 3, 2024. Drum & Dance Playshop for students of Colby Saywer College, 7pm to 8pm.
April 8, 2024. Games, Music & Drumming for Eclipse event. Whipple Hall, New London, NH, Noon to 2pm
April 11, 2024. Drumming Workshop for students of Newport Episcopal Church, 4pm to 5pm.
April 15, 2024. Community Drum Circle for SNHU students, Hooksett, NH, 12:30pm to 1:30pm.
April 22, 2024. Earth Day Drum Circle with Kathy Lowe
April 24, 2024. Drum & Dance Party, Colby Sawyer College, New London, NH.
June 22, 2024. Community Drum Circle & Zumba Flashmob at Strawberry Festival, New London, NH.
July 21, 2024. Full Moon Drumming with Kathy Lowe at the Sunset Hill Educational Institute, Sutton, NH. 6:30pm to 8:30pm. to register and for more information.
July 28, 2024. Sunshine Potluck Dinner & Drum Circle with Kathy Lowe at the Episcopal Church in Newport, NH. 4pm. Free event and drums provided!
August 18, 2024. Full Moon Drumming with Kathy Lowe at the Sunset Hill Educational Institute, Sutton, NH. 6:30pm to 8:30pm. to register and for more information.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024. Master drummer/dancer Allesandra Belloni from NYC & Italy teaching Italian Tambourine & Dance of the Tarantella & Performance,
Colby Saywer College, Wheeler Hall.
*Free event! Plus Italian night at the college Dining Hall $10 per meal.
4pm Performance & 6pm Workshop
Sunday, October 27, 2024. 3rtd Annual Zumba flashmob (Witch Dance-anyone can join us!)
at New London Trick or Treat event. There are some rehearsals for the dance so please reach out to me in early fall for the dates.
***Contact me via email at or call/text at 603 557 1001 for any more information regarding the events of 2024. Thank you, Julie
EVENTS of 2023 facilitated by Julie Corey
February 11, 2023. "Rhythm of the Heart" Community Drum Circle fundraiser with Kathy Lowe, New London, NH
February 15, 2023. Drumming on the Ice at Kezar Lake with Kathy Lowe, Sutton, NH
April 10, 2023. Community Drum Circle for SNHU students, Hooksett, NH
April 22, 2023. Earth Day Celebration & fundraiser with Kathy Lowe, New London, NH
May 21, 2023. Zumba Spring Flashmob at Strawberry Festival, New London, NH
July 25, 2023. Drumming experience for Day Camp children, Colby Sawyer College
August 8, 2023. Drumming with Day Camp Children with Kathy Lowe, Colby Sawyer College
Sept 3, 2023. Community Drum Circle for Freshman Orientation, Colby Sawyer College
October 4, 2023. Drum workshop with Kathy Lowe for children of Epiphany Church
Sept 21, 2023. International Drum Circle for Peace with Kathy Lowe, New London, NH
October 29, 2023. Zumba Halloween Flashmob, New London, NH
December 7, 2023. Holiday Drum workshop with Kathy Lowe for children of Epiphany Church
December 19, 2023 Zumba Christmas Event, Colby Sawyer College
EVENTS of 2022 facilitated by Julie Corey
April 11, 2022. Community Drum Circle at SNHRU for the college students, Hooksett, NH.
April 13, 2022. Ukraine Fundraiser "Drumming for Peace", Whipple Hall, New London, NH.
April 25, 2022. Introduction to How to Play the Djembe for students of Tilton School, Tilton, NH.
April 30, 2022. Instructional Drumming Workshop for Moon River Wellness, Pelham, NH.
May 11, 2022. Part 2, Drumming Instruction for students of Tilton School, Tilton, NH.
May 22, 2022. Community Drum Circle for Community Connections Organization, Atkinson, NH.
July 3, 2022. Community Drum Circle with Julie Corey & Kathy Lowe at the Rotary Club's Food Truck Festival, New London Green, 11am to 12:30pm
EVENTS of 2021 facilitated by Julie Corey
June 20, 2021. Summer Solstice Concert at the New London Gazebo with various musicians & dancers from St. Andrews Church.
July 5, 2021. "KaJuke" Concert with Kathy Lowe and Kent Allen at the Sunapee Harbor Stage, 6pm
July 11, 2021. African Drum & Dance workshop with Namory Keita & Liz Fowler, Colby Sawyer College, New London, NH 10:30am-12:30pm
July 30, 2021. Community Drum Playshop at the Jaffrey Civic Center, Noon to 3pm.
August 7, 2021. Saturday. "Arts in the Park & Drum Circle" 9:30am to 12:30pm (drum circle is 11am to 12:30pm)
held at Sheehan Basquil Park/Auburn & Lincoln. Free event to everyone!
October 2, 2021. Community Drum Circle at NHTI, Concord, NH for the students of the college. 11am.
October 29, 2021 Pep Rally Drum Circle, Tilton School, for the students of the school. 7pm.
EVENTS of 2020
There were no events in 2020 due to the corona virus pandemic.
EVENTS of 2019 facilitated by Julie Corey
March 1. Women's History Month Drum Circle at Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH.
March 22. Spring Community Drum Circle at RTH Wellness in Weare, NH from 7pm to 8:30pm.
Click on link below to find out more information and to purchase advanced tickets.
April 29. Drum "Playshop" at the Health & Wellness Fair, Tilton School, Tilton, NH.
May 3. Women's Frame/Hand Drumming & Chant Circle: "A Circle of the Ancient Traditions", to be held on Friday night 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the studios of Walk In Beauty Spa & Wellness, Newbury, NH. $20 per person. Bring your frame drum or use one of ours. We may drum outside near Lake Sunapee if the weather is nice, dress appropriately.
Faciliatated by Julie Corey & Janee King. Advanced registration suggested.
Contact Julie directly at or Text/Call 603 557 1001.
May 18. Drumming with participants at the Chicken Farmer Road Race, S. Newbury, NH.
May 18. Drum "Playshop" for Hollis Montessori School Children's Wellness Fair
June 5. Music performance with Kathy Lowe at the Concord Centennial Celebration, Concord, NH.
June 17. Drum "Playshop" for New London Elementary School Last day of school Field & Fun Day
June 22. "Drum Jam at the June Jam!" Musterfield Farm, Sutton, NH. Check it out.
July 19. Community Drum Circle at SUMMERFEST! Town Green, Henniker, NH.
July 20. Community Drum Circle with Kathy Lowe at the Yoga Retreat, Bradford, NH. Private event.
July 21. Music performance for the S. Newbury Church, Newbury, NH.
July 24. BeatFest! with Kathy Lowe at Warner Bookstore, Warner, NH. 5pm to 7pm.
Bring your drum or use ours. Great outdoor, summer vibe music event.
August 3. Drumming in the Hospital Days Parade, New London, NH. Parade line up is 1pm at the New London Historical Society, and the parade begins at 2pm. If you come to drum with us, please bring a folding chair to sit on the truck float with. If you'd like to decorate the float in advance with us, please contact Julie at 603 557 1001 either by text or call so you can find out where to meet us. We look forward to drumming in this annual community parade!
November 1. Community Drum Circle at the Waysmeet Center, UNH Durham, following the Community Supper.
November 4 to 8. "World BeatFest!" Artist in Residency program with Kathy Lowe & Roberta Hollinger at the New Boston Elementary School, New Boston, NH.
December 20. "Wishing You Peace." 20th Anniversary Holiday Concert with Kathy Lowe. Sunapee Village, Sunapee, NH.
EVENTS of 2018
March 16. "BeatFest!" Drum & Dance artist residency with songwriter Kathy Lowe & Zumba instructor Roberta Hollinger at Sunapee Elementary School, Sunapee, NH.
March 25. Spring Awakening Drum Circle featuring the 3ft. ceremonial Mother Drum. Orchard Village School, Alstead, NH.
May 19. Community Drumming in the Chicken Farmer Road Race, Newbury, NH.
May 23. Ceremonial Drumming & Fire for the Hypnosis Guild Training Program, Loudon, NH.
June 18. Solstice Drumming & Fire at Lowe gathering, New London, NH.
June 23. Ceremonial Drumming & Instruction at the Thomas event, Mont Vernon, NH.
June 29. Community Drum Circle & Fire at the Skarin Family Picnic, Sunapee, NH.
June 30. Community Drum Circle for Meet Up Picnic, Washington, NH.
July 21. Drum Circle & Fire at the Jeffrey's Open House, Sutton, NH.
August 4. Drumming in the New London Hospital Days Parade. (cancelled due to rainy weather)
September 7. Drum Circle & Water Blessing Ceremony with Janee King for the Waysmeet Center, UNH Campus.
October 29. "BeatFest!" Drum & Dance artist residency at Andover Elementary School residency with songwriter Kathy Lowe & zumba instructor Roberta Hollinger.
December 21. "Wishing You Peace" Holiday Concert with Kathy Lowe at Sunapee Methodist Church, Sunapee, NH.
EVENTS of 2017
January 2. Community Drum Circle for the Tilton School Faculty, Tilton, NH.
January 11. Provided music for Cataleya's Restaurant with Kathy Lowe & Rob Freitas, New London, NH.
January 21. Community Drum Circle for the NH Women's Rally, State House Lawn, Concord, NH.
January 21. Performance with Kathy Lowe, NH Women's Rally, State House Lawn, Concord, NH.
February 7. "BeatFest" School Residency at the Orwell Village School, Orwell, VT.
February 15. Intro to Drumming Class at Namaste Yoga, Newport Ballroom, Newport, NH.
February 24. Winter Shakedown Drum N' Dance Fest, Namaste Yoga, Newport Ballroom, Newport, NH.
March 2. Family drum workshop for homeschool group, W. Unity, NH
March 4. Drumming accompaniment for Petreflection Play with Kathy Lowe & Company, New London, NH.
March 15 & 22. Women's Drumming Workshop, Antrim, NH.
March 23. Family drum workshop with Kathy Lowe at homeschool group, W. Unity, NH.
April 4. BeatFest! Community Drum Circle with Kathy Lowe at Orwell Village School, Orwell, VT
April 5. BeatFest! School Residency at the Benson Village School, Benson, VT.
May 10. How to Play the Djembe Drum, workshop facilitated by Julie Corey at Newport Ballroom, Newport, NH.
See the Facebook event for more info and how to register:
May 12. BeatFest! Event facilitated by Julie Corey & Kathy Lowe at the Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH. 6:30pm.
May 13. Community Drum Circle at 11am at Mother Lover Spring Gathering, Unity, NH.
See the Facebook event for more info.
June 9 Drumming at the Gazebo, Newport Farmer's Market 6pm to 7pm
June 28 Community Drum Circle at Elliot Hospital for Cancer Survivor's 5:30pm to 7pm
July 7 BeatFest! with Kathy Lowe and Julie Corey at the Main St. Warner Stage at MainStreet BookEnds.
July 21 Community Drum Circle on the Newport Gazebo after the Farmer's Market, 6pm. Free to all!
July 28 Drumming with Kathy Lowe at the Tye Dye workshop, Library Arts Center, Newport, NH 5pm. Free to all!
August 9 Drumming accompaniment at the Sunapee Craftman's Fair with Kathy Lowe & Kent Allen, 11am & 1pm
August 26 to 31 Drumming instruction and circles at Women Soul Retreat, Rowe Conference Center, Rowe, MA.
September 13 Community Drum Circle at Christ Church, Lowell, MA 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Contact Julie directly for more details.
September 17 Mother Drum at Celebration of Life gathering, Concord, NH *private event
September 22 Music & Drumming Circle and Parade with Kathy Lowe at the BIG E Fair, at the NH Hall, Springfield, MA.
September 27 Drumming Circle at Wheelock Assisted Living with Kathy Lowe, Hanover, NH. *private event.
September 30 Kid's Zumba training, Essex, Vermont. Yes, we are adding Zumba to our drum circles and school assemblies...stay tuned!!!
November 1 Pumpkin' Drum Workshop at Sea Glass Yoga Studio, Henniker, NH. 6-7:30pm Beginner's Drum Workshop.
November 10-12 Community Drum Circle at the Rhythm Rave event, Wakefield, MA. Register at
EVENTS of 2016
April 25. Havenwood Heritage Heights, Concord, NH.
May 1. Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, NH.
May 18, Wheelock Terrace, Lebanon, NH.
May 23. Havenwood Heritage Heights, Concord, NH.
June 4. New Moon Festival, RTH Wellness, Weare, NH.
June 18. June Jam, Musterfield Farm, Sutton, NH.
June 22. Drum Circle at Empire Beauty School, Laconia, NH.
June 27. Havenwood Heritage Heights, Concord, NH.
July 13. Quest Program, Jaffrey, NH.
July 20. Quest Program, Jaffrey, NH.
July 19. Beatfest with Kathy Lowe, Warner Bookstore, Warner, NH.
July 24. Drum Circle at Chrysalis Meditation Retreat, Stone Barn, Newbury, NH.
July 25. Havewood Heritage Heights, Concord, NH.
Sept 10. Hope for NH Concert with Kathy Lowe, Concord, NH.
Oct. 15-16. Million Women Drummer's Gathering Concert, New Paltz, NY.
Oct 22. Lauren Rainbow event, Stone Barn, Newbury, NH.
Oct. 29. Hope for NH Conference, Mother Drum Workshop, Concord Hospital, Concord, NH.
Nov. 1. Community Drum Circle for students of the Tilton School, Tilton, NH.
Nov. 5. Global Harvest Drum & Dance, RTH Wellness, Weare, NH.
Dec. 11. Wishing You Peace Concert with Kathy Lowe & Friends, New London, NH.
Dec. 14. Holiday Drumming with Kathy Lowe at Wheelock Terrace, Lebanon, NH.
Dec. 17 Women's Drum Circle for Recovery Staff, Concord, NH.
January to May. Ongoing Drum Residency & Performance Arts with the children of Oxbow School, Ayer, MA.
March 22. Boy Scout Jamboree for Scouts & Families, Hudson, MA
April 1. Community Drum Circle with the Mother Drum, UNH Waysmeet Center
May 1. Celebrating May Day with Community Drumming, UNH Waysmeet Center
June 7. Drumming for Health, Fun & Community Building, YCD Holistic Center, Nashua, NH
July 14. Drum Jam at Bookends, Warner, NH with Kathy Lowe
July 17. Opening Drum Circle for Empire Beauty School, Laconia, NH.
November 12-19. Week long Artist in Residency with artist Kathy Lowe Bloch at New Boston Central School, New Boston, NH
November 28. Drumming for Kathy Lowe's "Petreflections" Play & Musical, Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, NH.
December 13. Drumming for "Wishing You Peace" Holiday Concert with Kathy Lowe & Friends, New London, NH.
January 9, 2014. Drumming Workshop at NH Metaphysical, Derry, NH.
March Mondays, March 3 to April 10, 2014. School Drumming Residency for the children Oxbow Schoolhouse, Devens, MA
March 8, Drumming for Women for Women Coalition, Manchester YWCA, NH
May 2, Community Drum Circle at Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH
May 19-23, Week-long School Drumming Residency at Thornton's Ferry Elementary School, Merrimack, NH
June 17, Community Drum Circle at Camp Cody for staff, Wolfeboro, NH
June 20, Solstice Drum Circle with MAX in Derry, NH
June 28, Drum Circle for House Blessing, Kennebunkport, ME
August 17, Opening Drum Circle for Camp Angelfish, Moultonboro, NH
September 5, Community Drum Circle for Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH
September 18 to December 18, Drumming Residency on Thursdays for Children of Oxbow School, Devens, MA
September 20, Community Drum Circle for Falmouth Academy High School, Nature's Classroom, Hancock, NH
September 26, Morning Drum Circle for Empire Beauty School, Laconia, NH
October 16, Drumming for Graduation, Empire Beauty School, Holiday Inn, Concord, NH
December 20 - Musical accompaniment for Kathy Lowe's Holiday Concert, Sunapee, NH
January 7th- 11th- Weeklong Artist in Residence program for the 4th Graders of Reed's Ferry School, Merrimack, NH.
January 29 - Drumming accompaniment for the Martin Luther King production at UNH, Durham, NH.
February 1 - "Walk in Beauty" Mother Drum circle for the students of the Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH.
February 15 - LIVE Drumming for "Enter the Jungle", Zumba class, Andover, MA.
February 21 - Community Drum Circle for high school students of the Trio Program, Nashua, NH.
April 22 - Earth Day Celebration Drum Circle at Longhaul Farm, Holderness, NH.
April 27 - Drumming in the Parade & Community Drum Circle at Muskataquid Earth Day Celebration, Concord, MA.
May 3 - Beltaine Drumming Circle/Celebration, UNH Waysmeet Center, Durham, NH.
May 11 - Mother Drum sharing for Mother's Day at Longhaul Farm, Holderness.
May 18 - Community Drum Circle prior to the Mickey Hart Concert at the Flying Monkey, Plymouth, NH! This circle was a NH Tribute to the music of Babatunde Olatunji, who used to open for Mickey Hart, and was one of our most beloved drum teachers.
June 1 Children's Drum Circle at the Mountain Mucker event, Mount Sunapee, Newbury, NH.
June 7-9 Instructional drumming workshops at Womyn's Drum Camp, Ontario, Canada.
June 15 - Instructional Drum Circle at the Temple of Witchcraft's "Templefest" gathering, S. Hampton, NH.
June 23 - Summer Solstice Celebration with the Mother Drum at Longhaul Farm, Holderness, NH.
July 6 - Community Drum Circle in the bandstand at Sunapee Harbor, at 8pm just prior to the start of the fireworks.
July 20 - Our women's drum group, OLAIBO featured at the Dunbarton Coffeehouse, Dunbarton, NH.
August 25 and 26, Drum workshop at Rowe Conference Center, Women's Circle's event.
September 21 - Community Drum Circle for Falmouth Academy teens at Nature's Classroom, Hancock, NH.
October 12-14 Drumming workshop at Million Women Drummer's Gathering, NY with Olaibo drum sisters
October 20 - Children's drum circle at Mount Royal Academy festival
October 24 - Evening drumming with MAX crystal skull and friends in Derry, NH
November 1 - Drum circle at Night of Divination, Sunapee Lake Massage, Newbury, NH
November 11 - Drumming Workshop during Mediumship class at NH Metaphysical, Londonderry, NH.
December 1 - Drum accompaniment for Kathy Lowe's "Petreflections" play about Nature, Kearsarge Indian Museum, Warner, NH
December 20 - Musical accompaniment for Kathy Lowe's Holiday Concert, Sunapee, NH
January - New Hampshire Community College, Community Education course, Instruction in Hand Drumming, Nashua, NH
February - Instructed at the International Drum Circle Facilitator's Guild Conference, Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina
March - Community Drum Circle for the children of the Learning Skills Academy, Stratham, NH
April - Children's Program for Passport Around the World event, Pease Air Force Base, Portsmouth, NH
May - LIVE Drumming for Zumbathon, Weare, NH
May - Drumming for Mom's on the Run road race, Dover, NH
June - MAX the Crystal Skull event, drum circle for evening program, Derry, NH
July - Summer learning program for children, Rivier College, Nashua, NH
***Children's drum circle for private adoption party, Weare, NH
***Community Drum Circles for children of the Asian Center, Lawrence, MA
August - Summer program for children of St. Paul's Church, Concord, NH
Sept - Community Drum Circle for private gathering, Littleton, NH
October - MAX the Crystal Skull event, drum circle for evening program, Derry, NH
November - Children's Drum Circle for Auburn Montessori School, Auburn, NH
December - Musical accompaniment for Kathy Lowe's Holiday Show, Sunapee, NH
"Luck of the Djembe!" A Community Celebration of Drum, Dance & Feast!
Saturday, March 26
Awakening Grace Yoga Studio, 133 Main St., Epping, NH
Afternoon of African dance with Liz & Alhassane Fowler of Guinea
Followed by a Community Potluck Supper (bring a dish to share if you like)
"Community Drum Circle" facilitated by Carl Nickerson & Julie Corey
A Collaborative, Community Celebration of Drum & Dance
held on Saturday, February 12th
at Awakening Grace Yoga Studio, Epping, NH
Featuring an Exploration of the West African Lovedance Rhythm
Drum instruction led by Carl Nickerson & Julie corey
Dance instruction led by Liz Fowler Camara
New Year's Eve 2010 FireWalk
with Firewalk Facilitator, Karen Lacharite of Ancient Fire
JANUARY 23,"Community Drum Circle,"
Fundraiser for American Red Cross, Relief Fund for
Victims of Haiti earthquake
Concord Community Music School, Concord, N
led by Drum Elders, Mary Lamenzo and Laney Goodman
Taught Haitian rhythm "IBO" which honors a family of Ancestral spirits of Haiti, as well as, is a Liberation rhythm.
(Thank you to everyone who showed up for this event. There were at least 50 of us! And your gracious donations to the American Red Cross were very much appreciated and helpful to the people of Haiti."
Thursday, January 28
Ladies' Night Out Event, Hooksett Public Library, Hooksett, NH
Vending drums, percussion and cd's
Saturday, February 20
X-Tribe Drum & Dance Event,
Julie Corey, Janet Farnsworth, and Laney Goodman
Community Drum Circle, Dance & Live DJ Tribal Beat
Concord Community Music School,
Concord, NH
Friday, February 26-Sunday, February 28, 2010
DCFG - Drum Circle Facilitator's Guild, Conference
Myrtle Beach, S. Carolina
I was attending, and presenting a workshop titled:
"Drumming for Empowerment via the Traditions of the Divine Feminine"
Sunday, April 25, 2010 from 7pm-Midnight
X-Tribe Drum & Dance Event,
Student Union Building, University of NH, Durham, NH
An amazing night of community drumming, dancing and
live DJ music by DJ Laney Goodman.
10th Annual "Take Back the Night" March & Candlelight Vigil
Thursday night - May 6, 2010 6pm-9pm
Manchester YWCA, Manchester, NH
Beltaine Festival, A Sacred Place, Canaan, NH
May 28-May 31.
Womens' Long Dance, Angel's Rest Retreat Center, Leyden, MA
May 21-23, 2010
1st NH Japanese Drumming (TAIKO) Festival!
*produced by The Village Drum
with Master Instructor, Elaine Fong
June 11-13, 2010
Drumming with MAX, Ancient Crystal Skull
June 18-20, 2010
at A Window of Light, Derry, NH.
Sunday, June 20, 2010 from 7:30pm-9:00pm
facilitated by Julie Corey, DCF
for the participants of
"Northfield 2010" Intentional Community Retreat
"Rhythms, Songs and Dances of the Mother Drum"
led by Julie Corey, Drum Circle Facilitator of the Village Drum
held at the 8th Chakra center, Dover, NH June 30th
JULY 11th, 2010 *11am-4pm
The Village Drum is proud to present.......
Bateria-style Escola de Samba Workshop
with Instructor, Alyx Lyons
of Sambatucada!, Burlington, VT
Thursday, July 15, 2010
held at Wild Trillium Acres, Wentworth, NH
COMMUNITY DRUM CIRCLE at the Weare Farmer's Market, Weare, NH
facilitated by DCF, Julie Corey of The Village Drum
July 16, 2010
I'll be drumming for the evening ZUMBA CLASS!
6 to 7 pm
Pre-register $15 by Tues. July 13th if possible
Phone: 603-529-5425
$20 At the Door
Class held at: RTH Martial Arts & Wellness
JULY 18, *Ceremony begins at 8am, please be prompt!
A World Wide Celebration of Unity Consciousness as a Prelude to the end of the Mayan Calendar,
facilitated by Ceremonialists, Mary Lamenzo and Julie Corey
Local event to be held at NORTH BEACH, Hampton, NH
And later that same day......
held at the Mustard Seed Natural Living Center, OPEN HOUSE
Sunday July 18th from 5:15pm-6:30pm
A Benefit for Gulf Relief
Saturday, July 24,
with Ceremonialists Laney Goodman, Mary Lamenzo & Julie Corey
Avalon Center, Raymond, NH
Saturday, July 31,
Saturday, August 7
Hooksett, NH
Wednesday, August 11, and September 22,
with Instructor, Julie Corey, DCF
Sunday, August 28, 2010
Baptist Church
Nashua, NH
*Performing "Kuku" Rhythm with Kelli White's World Percussion Ensemble
11am church service
Saturday, September 10
Live Drumming by Julie Corey for Yoga Class at Awakening Grace Yoga Studio, "Open House"
Epping, NH
Saturday, September 18,
"Mother Drum Rhythms, Songs & Dances," facilitated by Julie Corey, DCF
for the American Cancer Society's Breast Cancer Survivor's Retreat
Sunday, September 19,
Community Drum Circle for everyone
"International Day of Peace Celebration," held on the Raymond Town Common, Raymond, NH
September 22
Community Drum Circle, Hooksett Farmer's Market, Hooksett, NH
September 26
Ceremonial Drum Blessing of the Land, Water, Trees and Spiritsong Sanctuary
of Sandown, NH
October 1-3 Community Drum Circle B.J. Borry Breast Cancer Survivor's Retreat,
Angel's Rest, Leyden, MA
Friday evening, October 29, 2010
An Evening with MAX, The Crystal Skull
held at A Window of Light, Derry, NH
Saturday evening, October 30
X-Tribe World Party
Drumming & Dancing Event Extravaganza
at Arlington Center, MA
Facilitated by DJ Laney Julie Corey, DCF
October 31*Samhain/Halloween
"Honoring the Ancestors"
A Harvest Gathering for Women Drummers;
Drum Workshop and Sacred Fire Ceremony
to be held at Sanctuary, Raymond, NH
DRUM WORKSHOP 4-6PM facilitated by Julie Corey, DCF
We'll spend a few hours of time exploring some rhythms, drum circle activities, and songs that
we can then play at the evening's fire.
Come and join us, as we gather in the grove at the Medicine Circle.
We'll light the fire in a ceremonial way and drum in our Ancestors to be with us, to teach and guide us, as we honor this special night with drumming, singing, and dance.
Drum class at Wild Trillium, Thurs. Nov. 11
Sunday, Nov. 14 Women's Drum Circle Facilitator's Meeting
Friday, December 3
Community Drum Circle at UNH Waysmeet Center, yeah!
Sunday, December 5
Community Drum Circle for CAS Honors students, Boston University.
Thursday day, December
Drumming for the children of Salem, Montessori School, Salem, NH
Thursday, December 9 Introduction to Hand Drumming at Awakening Grace Yoga Studio, Epping, NH
All proceeds go to the Jim Mitchell Park Fund
Dec. 21st
Welcomers of the Night
Kathy Lowe & Mary Lamenzo
Featuring the Mother Drum.
February 7. "Songs & Dances of the Mother Drum" for American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Survivor's, Sargent Center, Hancock, NH~ 7pm
February 8-13. Week-long Artist Residency for Orwell School, Orwell, VT K-8
Visit http:/ for a wonderful article and slideshow of the weeklong program.
March 20-22. DrumWorkshop "Songs & Dances of the Mother Drum" held at Drum Circle Facilitator's Guild Convention, Prescott, Arizona
April 18. Women's Drumming Group performance at SNHU's International Night, Hooksett, NH
April 24-26. Vending of Drums & Percussion for Therapeutic Touch Conference, Boston, MA
May 2. Drumming in the Earth Day Parade for Muskataquid, Concord, MA
May 7 Women's Drumming Group performance for "Take Back the Night" event, Manchester NH, YWCA
May 31-June 5, Week-long Artist Residency for Benson Village School, Benson, VT K-8
June 20, Summer Solstice Drumming Ceremony with MAX, the Crystal Skull at A Window of Light, Derry, NH
August 2, Facilitated a Community Drum Circle at Wallis Sands Beach, Rye, NH
August 14, Drumming with Mother Drum for Deborah Koff-Chapin's "Long Dance Workshop" at the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference, Lesley College, Boston, MA
September 11-13 Attended Village Music Circle's Rhythmical Alchemy Playshop (RAP), instructed by Arthur Hull, held in Concord, MA.
October 3 & 4, Community Drum Circle for the women of the Betty J. Borry, Breast Cancer Survivor's Retreat, held at Angel's Rest Retreat Center in Leyden, MA.
October 10, Community Drum Circle at the Hooksett Old Home Day event,
Souhegan Valley 350 Day
October 24th,
Unitarian Universalist Church of Milford Learn about climate change and sustainable living,
October 24, "Songs & Dances of the Mother Drum" Workshop held at the Breast Cancer Survivor's Retreat, Concord Community Music School, Concord, NH.
October 31, Samhain/Halloween Drumming Ceremony with MAX, the Crystal Skull at A Window of Light, Derry, NH
November 1, A Harvest Celebration for Women Drummers
A Women's Gathering for the purpose of Life Celebration through Drumming, Singing, Dancing, and Building Community
November 1 Rhythms of the Harvest, and Exploration of the KUKU Rhythm of West Africa Drum& Dance Workshop
Harvest Feast and Potluck Share, Sanctuary Center, Raymond, NH.
December 4, Community Drum Circle for the students of UNH, Durham, NH at the Waysmeet Center
December 12, Candlelight Vigil for the action on the Milford Oval, Milford, NH
September 14 ICONS Festival, MA - Drum accompaniment with harpist De Luna
September 21,Vending drums & Drum Circle, Sunapee Sunfest, Sunapee Mountain
September 28,Frame Drum Workshop with Szerja Star, located at The Village Drum
October 4 & 5, Drumming for Obama Visibility Rallies, Concord & Milford, NH.
September 12, 20 & October 18 Community Drum Circles at Sargent Camp, Hancock, NH Sept 20,
October 25, Community Drum Circle, Breast Cancer Retreat, Concord Community Music School, Concord, NH.
October 25, Drumming with MAX, Crystal Skull gathering, Derry, NH
December 3, Community Drum Circle, BAE Systems, Merrimack, NH
December 5, Mother Drum Songs & Dances, Waysmeet Center, UNH, Durham, NH
December 6, Drumming in the Manchester Christmas Parade, Elm St., Manchester, NH